“海の瞬間” シリーズ
写真、アクリルペイント、木製パネル / 18 × 18 × 2.2 cm / 11点 / 2023年

"Sea Moments"
Acrylic on Photograph, Wood panel / 18 × 18 × 2.2 cm / 2023



A series of paintings on photographs.
I found Polling Art or Fluid Art on Instagram and other sites and 
The phenomenon created by the paint is just so cool that I played with it myself.
 After playing around with it, I wondered how I could connect it to my own work.
I thought, How can I connect this to my own artwork?
If it was just paint, there are people all over the world doing this.
 What is unique to me is moving image and photography.

 So, since the paint looked just like natural phenomena like bubbles/waves
The painting was overlaid on a photograph I had taken.
I used colours close to the sea in the photo, for example.
The aim was to create something that could be mistaken for the phenomenon in the paint
and the natural phenomenon in the photograph.

© 2022-2024 yukichico
展示風景 / Photo by Ryo Yoshiya

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